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Haley Leads Biden, But Loses Badly to Trump, New Poll Shows

December 5, 2023

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley leads President Biden in a head-to-head matchup in a new poll, but she still falls far behind former President Donald Trump in the GOP primary.

A poll by the Messenger/Harris shows that Ms. Haley beats Mr. Biden by four points in their hypothetical matchup. But in a contest between Mr. Trump and Ms. Haley, the former president sees support from 76%, while Ms. Haley grabs 19%.

Mr. Trump also leads Mr. Biden in their matchup by seven percentage points.

Ms. Haley sees more support from independent voters in her matchup with Mr. Trump. She grabs 40% of independents, while 36% say they would choose Mr. Trump.

“The Haley phenomenon is driven by moderate Republicans, independents and disaffected voters. She beats Biden handily in a general election because of this but still has a lot of ground to make up with Republicans,” Dritan Nesho, CEO and chief pollster at HarrisX, said in a statement.

The former U.N. ambassador has been rising in the polls and is now tied with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for second place in some surveys of the GOP contest. She has received the backing of major donors and influential figures, including JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon who is prodding Democrats to help her in the 2024 presidential race.

“Even if you’re [a] very liberal Democrat, I urge you, you know, help Nikki Haley too,” he said.

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