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Emergence Of The Crypto Voting Bloc In The 2024 U.S. Elections
As per a report by Consensys and HarrisX, 92% of crypto holders would vote in the upcoming elections.
The upcoming U.S. elections have promoted cryptocurrency in a way the industry has never seen before. Both political parties have leaned toward the crypto market and even accepted donations in the form of crypto.
Amid this craze, a new political force has emerged, which many call the “crypto voting bloc.” There is an estimation that 26 million American voters are involved with crypto. They have the power to influence the election results severely.
What makes this crypto-voting bloc unique is its higher voter turnout. 92% of crypto holders have plans to vote actively in the upcoming elections. A study by Consensys and HarrisX revealed this.
The Power of the Crypto Voting Bloc
Recently, a nationwide poll was conducted by The Digital Chamber. It is a crypto advocacy group.
The respondents were from both sides, Republicans and Democrats.
The results revealed that the crypto is ready to set the future of the elections. 60% of the crypto owners are Gen Z and millennials. 1 in 7 U.S. voters associate themselves with the crypto voter bloc. This makes up 16% out of 1,004 respondents.
According to them, a pro-crypto stance would play a net positive role in deciding whom to vote for. The black voters are currently leading this race. Per the survey released on 17th Oct, 40% of black voters consider crypto to play a significant role while voting in the upcoming U.S. elections.
4 out of 10 black American voters are in support of this stance. These are double numbers compared to white voters who agree with this.