Streaming Market Tracker

A comprehensive analysis of the US videostreaming market (SVOD, AVOD, vMVPD); tracking household penetration, marketshare, plan breakdown, content watched, length of service among other metricsfor each major streaming service offered today. Can be cut by all demographicgroups and overlaps with Pay TV subscribers.


The data in this report comes from the Streaming Media Panel of HarrisX’s Total Communications Survey. The Total Communications Survey (“TCS”) is a monthly survey that provides an understanding of the home communication and entertainment ecosystems among n=8,500 household decision makers aged 18+.

TCS measures consumer attitudes and behaviors across TV, Internet, landline, and streaming services. The survey leverages data going back to 2007 to capture key performance indicators – such as consideration, perception & penetration, satisfaction metrics, willingness to recommend across service providers – and covers broad topic areas, such as loyalty, path to purchase, usage, switching and likelihood to switch, and customer service.

TCS is a recontact of Mobile Insights - the largest wireless survey tracker measuring attitudes and behaviors of mobile consumers. TCS data is weighted to be representative at the household level both nationally and regionally. Weighting parameters include service provider, age gender, marriage, income, owner/renter status, household size, and minority status.

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